Incredible 1466 Acre Parcel For Sale!

Billy Hawes Canyon and Slipper Hollow

In the Wallsburg Valley, mention the Billy Haws Canyon or Slipper Hollow and probably anyone will look to and point to the southwest hills toward the Wallsburg Ridge. Billy Haws is one of the most lush and largest canyons accessing the WAllsburg Ride and a large portion of the canyon is included in this amazing 1,440 acre retreat. In the aspen, pines, oak and wildlife abound as well as areas with waist high grass. This property provides an incredile huntin opportunity, a horseman’s riding paradise, a ranchers dream, a hikers challenge or a snow shoeing wonderland. For a personal or corporate retreat the beauty of the Uintah National Forest surrounds you here. 

The adventurous will enjoy the views and beauty looking over the Wallsburg Valley, Deer Creek Reservoir and Midway to the north and east or turn to the west and enjoy the view of Bear Canyon. In this P-160 zone with 14 acre feet of water, build your own private estate, corporate retreat or keep the property in its natural state and stay nearby with all the accommodations you could want with beauty of the Uintah National Forest surrounding you. The amenities of golfing, fishing, boating, skiing, snowmobiling, snorkeling, etc. are all nearby as well as 5 star dining & entertainment. 

Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108

Incandescent vs Flourescent vs LED

Good morning everyone, I’m at a good friend’s home and they have over 150 LED lights so I wanted to share a little information about lighting.

As you can see these are LED lights and one of the things that people used to worry about is that they are so directional that they wouldn’t provide the flood of light like fluorescents do.

Incandescent lights last about a thousand hours per lightbulb. Fluorescent lighting, which has a little mercury in it, increases about ten times and last about 10,000 hours per light bulb and use 70% less energy.

LED lights, which have been very expensive until the last couple years, range from 20-50,000 hours per bulb and reduce energy consumption another 30-50% from fluorescents.

So think of this when you are looking to build a home, buy a home, or even just change out your lights!

This is a beautiful home here and you can see how good these LED lights look!

Take care!

Take care,              

Wallsburg World Realtor

Incandescent vs Flourescent vs LED

Good morning everyone, I’m at a good friend’s home and they have over 150 LED lights so I wanted to share a little information about lighting.

As you can see these are LED lights and one of the things that people used to worry about is that they are so directional that they wouldn’t provide the flood of light like fluorescents do.

Incandescent lights last about a thousand hours per lightbulb. Fluorescent lighting, which has a little mercury in it, increases about ten times and last about 10,000 hours per light bulb and use 70% less energy.

LED lights, which have been very expensive until the last couple years, range from 20-50,000 hours per bulb and reduce energy consumption another 30-50% from fluorescents.

So think of this when you are looking to build a home, buy a home, or even just change out your lights!

This is a beautiful home here and you can see how good these LED lights look!

Take care!

Take care,              

Wallsburg World Realtor

Wasatch County’s Hot Market

Hey everyone, sorry if you started to watch my live video a minute ago I was up on the side of the hill and I lost reception.

Anyway I am in Wallsburg, Round Valley also known as, and I just love it here and wanted to share some real estate information with you of course, but also show you just how beautiful it is. And I again apologize I was up on the side of the hill and you could have got a view of the valley but
you can still get a good feel of this it’s just so beautiful right now, things are so green.

So anyway Wallsburg it is a hot market in Wasatch County, which it hasn’t been that hot, but since March First we’ve had four properties go under contract. So for Wallsburg that is a hot market, but don’t fret there’s still some other properties that are available and if you’re interested in Wallsburg give me a call.

The other three properties are still under contract but there’s still four homes that are listed for sale, and there are 14 parcels that are listed for sale. Further up here there’s two two acre parcels, let me just turn around here so you see, right back here there’s 1,400 acres up alongside the hill here that’s for sale and a bunch in between.

So there’s still a lot of things for sale, come into Wallsburg just ask for Brian Olsen, people know how to find me if you do drive into the valley otherwise give me a call, shoot me a text I’d love to
help you find a place here in Wallsburg or anywhere else; Wasatch back, Wasatch Front.

Anyway have a great weekend. Take care.
Wallsburg World Realtor

Wasatch County’s Hot Market

Hey everyone, sorry if you started to watch my live video a minute ago I was up on the side of the hill and I lost reception.

Anyway I am in Wallsburg, Round Valley also known as, and I just love it here and wanted to share some real estate information with you of course, but also show you just how beautiful it is. And I again apologize I was up on the side of the hill and you could have got a view of the valley but
you can still get a good feel of this it’s just so beautiful right now, things are so green.

So anyway Wallsburg it is a hot market in Wasatch County, which it hasn’t been that hot, but since March First we’ve had four properties go under contract. So for Wallsburg that is a hot market, but don’t fret there’s still some other properties that are available and if you’re interested in Wallsburg give me a call.

The other three properties are still under contract but there’s still four homes that are listed for sale, and there are 14 parcels that are listed for sale. Further up here there’s two two acre parcels, let me just turn around here so you see, right back here there’s 1,400 acres up alongside the hill here that’s for sale and a bunch in between.

So there’s still a lot of things for sale, come into Wallsburg just ask for Brian Olsen, people know how to find me if you do drive into the valley otherwise give me a call, shoot me a text I’d love to
help you find a place here in Wallsburg or anywhere else; Wasatch back, Wasatch Front.

Anyway have a great weekend. Take care.
Wallsburg World Realtor

910 South Round Valley

Beautiful two 2-acre parcels in Wallsburg, Utah in the Wasatch back. Build your permanent home or retreat 2nd home and enjoy the small town feel close to 1,000’s of acres of forest land, hunting, fishing, restaurants and entertainment.

Best regards,
Wallsburg World Realtor

910 South Round Valley

Beautiful two 2-acre parcels in Wallsburg, Utah in the Wasatch back. Build your permanent home or retreat 2nd home and enjoy the small town feel close to 1,000’s of acres of forest land, hunting, fishing, restaurants and entertainment.

Best regards,
Wallsburg World Realtor