Lakeview Parkway South Provo

Hey good morning everybody. I am in the south part of Provo this morning and just want to share with you something that I didn’t realize was looking so good.

I’ve been concentrating quite a bit up on the interchange on 2100 North you know as far as trying to see what’s happening to stay on top of things, but I am on the Lakeview Parkway where there
is a new interchange off of I-15 and this is just really cool. I just want…sorry I got a phone call there…I don’t know if you’ve been down this way lately but it is just really neat, let me put this where you can take a look at this.

So the interchange is just right over there and here’s the Lakeview Parkway heads over right over there just not quite to 1100 West you’ve got DR Horton is doing a new development going on over there and it is it is just set up really nice.

This interchange is super nice it’s going to make it so much easier for people down on this end to be able to jump on I-15 right here.

Most of this property all around here is privately owned. Just down on the other side of 1100 west on this south side of the parkway is some property Provo City owns. But anyway this is just really exciting!

So I didn’t know if you’ve been down this way I just wanted to share it with you and I’m sure there’s going to be some nice parks and so close to the lake.

Now I’ve got to look into this a little bit more and see where things are going to go. You know, what the master plan is here, like I said I haven’t looked into this area for a while, I’ve been looking more into the I-15 and the interchange going on up on 2100 north in Lehi and over to the Mountain View expressway.

So if you get down this way like I said DR Horton has a new development there’s some other homes for sale in the older part of Provo here, which has got some nicer older homes, a few parcels that are available.

Anyway, kind of exciting to see what Provo is doing here. If you need any help give me a call, shoot me a text, or Facebook message, or email.

Take care,
Brian Olsen

Wallsburg World Realtor

Lakeview Parkway South Provo

Hey good morning everybody. I am in the south part of Provo this morning and just want to share with you something that I didn’t realize was looking so good.

I’ve been concentrating quite a bit up on the interchange on 2100 North you know as far as trying to see what’s happening to stay on top of things, but I am on the Lakeview Parkway where there
is a new interchange off of I-15 and this is just really cool. I just want…sorry I got a phone call there…I don’t know if you’ve been down this way lately but it is just really neat, let me put this where you can take a look at this.

So the interchange is just right over there and here’s the Lakeview Parkway heads over right over there just not quite to 1100 West you’ve got DR Horton is doing a new development going on over there and it is it is just set up really nice.

This interchange is super nice it’s going to make it so much easier for people down on this end to be able to jump on I-15 right here.

Most of this property all around here is privately owned. Just down on the other side of 1100 west on this south side of the parkway is some property Provo City owns. But anyway this is just really exciting!

So I didn’t know if you’ve been down this way I just wanted to share it with you and I’m sure there’s going to be some nice parks and so close to the lake.

Now I’ve got to look into this a little bit more and see where things are going to go. You know, what the master plan is here, like I said I haven’t looked into this area for a while, I’ve been looking more into the I-15 and the interchange going on up on 2100 north in Lehi and over to the Mountain View expressway.

So if you get down this way like I said DR Horton has a new development there’s some other homes for sale in the older part of Provo here, which has got some nicer older homes, a few parcels that are available.

Anyway, kind of exciting to see what Provo is doing here. If you need any help give me a call, shoot me a text, or Facebook message, or email.

Take care,
Brian Olsen

Wallsburg World Realtor

Wasatch Back Land Statistics

Good morning everyone hope you are doing great and having a wonderful weekend.

It was great to have a Memorial weekend and celebrate this country and our freedoms and everything last weekend, hope you had a great Memorial weekend.

Anyway I want to get back into some real estate and just give you some information. I am in Wasatch County, actually in Wallsburg, I’m on a client’s two acre parcel that he has for sale and just a gorgeous area. He’s got two acres here and then a back two acre parcel also, both of them buildable.

Wasatch County is just an incredible place. I know we hear a lot about the Wasatch Front, Lehi it was on the news that it’s the 11th fastest growing city in the United States. So the Wasatch
Front a lots happening but the Wasatch Back is also have a lot going on.

So let me just tell you a little bit really quick about some statistics here in Wasatch County which includes Wallsburg where I’m at right now. I had some clients from the East Coast that we’re asking me this week what’s happening and you know they’ve heard news about what’s happening in Utah.

Looking at properties in Wasatch County that have five acres or more in 2015 there were 31 parcels that sold and it was for a total volume value of 18.8 million. Last year there were 37 parcels five acres or greater that sold for a volume of 21.8 million.

So far this year we’ve had 14 parcels sell for a volume of 9.1 million. There’s 12 under contract so in the next 30 to 60 or 90 days those are you know probably likely to close the majority of them. Out of
those 12 six of them are a million dollars or more so within the next 60-90 days we could be at or surpassing last year’s volume with another four or five months left to go in the year.

So anyway, Wasatch County, Summit County is kind of a similar story but there’s a lot going on here if you have any interest give me a call, shoot me a message or a text. I’d love to help you find some property there’s a lot of property that is less than five acres for sale.

As I looked at these statistics as my friend was asking me what was happening here in Utah and development wise those are parcels that typically are going to be subdivided or developed.

Now here in Wallsburg these two two acre parcels are buildable but you’re not going to subdivide them. I do have 1500 acres up here on the mountain if you want a little bit bigger area and you can put probably you know one big nice home or a few you know 200-acre homes 160 acres and there’s a lot of other parcels here in Wallsburg as well as Heber, Midway, Kamas, well Kamas is Summit County that’s another story we’ll talk about that another time.

So anyway you guys have a great weekend and get into the Wasatch back it’s just beautiful about 10 to 15 degrees cooler usually too so it’s wonderful. I’m a little biased, but I love
it up here.

Take care!
Wallsburg World Realtor

Wasatch Back Land Statistics

Good morning everyone hope you are doing great and having a wonderful weekend.

It was great to have a Memorial weekend and celebrate this country and our freedoms and everything last weekend, hope you had a great Memorial weekend.

Anyway I want to get back into some real estate and just give you some information. I am in Wasatch County, actually in Wallsburg, I’m on a client’s two acre parcel that he has for sale and just a gorgeous area. He’s got two acres here and then a back two acre parcel also, both of them buildable.

Wasatch County is just an incredible place. I know we hear a lot about the Wasatch Front, Lehi it was on the news that it’s the 11th fastest growing city in the United States. So the Wasatch
Front a lots happening but the Wasatch Back is also have a lot going on.

So let me just tell you a little bit really quick about some statistics here in Wasatch County which includes Wallsburg where I’m at right now. I had some clients from the East Coast that we’re asking me this week what’s happening and you know they’ve heard news about what’s happening in Utah.

Looking at properties in Wasatch County that have five acres or more in 2015 there were 31 parcels that sold and it was for a total volume value of 18.8 million. Last year there were 37 parcels five acres or greater that sold for a volume of 21.8 million.

So far this year we’ve had 14 parcels sell for a volume of 9.1 million. There’s 12 under contract so in the next 30 to 60 or 90 days those are you know probably likely to close the majority of them. Out of
those 12 six of them are a million dollars or more so within the next 60-90 days we could be at or surpassing last year’s volume with another four or five months left to go in the year.

So anyway, Wasatch County, Summit County is kind of a similar story but there’s a lot going on here if you have any interest give me a call, shoot me a message or a text. I’d love to help you find some property there’s a lot of property that is less than five acres for sale.

As I looked at these statistics as my friend was asking me what was happening here in Utah and development wise those are parcels that typically are going to be subdivided or developed.

Now here in Wallsburg these two two acre parcels are buildable but you’re not going to subdivide them. I do have 1500 acres up here on the mountain if you want a little bit bigger area and you can put probably you know one big nice home or a few you know 200-acre homes 160 acres and there’s a lot of other parcels here in Wallsburg as well as Heber, Midway, Kamas, well Kamas is Summit County that’s another story we’ll talk about that another time.

So anyway you guys have a great weekend and get into the Wasatch back it’s just beautiful about 10 to 15 degrees cooler usually too so it’s wonderful. I’m a little biased, but I love
it up here.

Take care!
Wallsburg World Realtor