Coldwell Banker Real Estate Education

Hey everyone Brian and Kris here and we just finished some training at Coldwell Banker and I just wanted to share with you, and I want to get Kris’ opinion and thoughts about becoming a Realtor. 
I often have promoted Coldwell Banker. And one of the things that they just discussed in here was how 13 out of 14 Realtors, people who get their license, don’t renew their second year. So the success rate of Realtors is way low. 
Coldwell Banker has some training that is really phenomenal, they really do a good job. And in recent years they’ve done studies and they’ve tracked people that go through their training and they’ve found that about 90% of Realtors that go through the Coldwell Banker training are still practicing real estate in their third year, versus about, what would that be, about 6%, you know average. 
So anyway this training that Coldwell Banker, what did you think of the the training that we just had in there Kris? Has great promise for being successful. Yeah, it really does. You know Coldwell Banker now has been around a long time, they’re in 50 some countries I believe, they have over 80,000 Realtors. 
If you’re interested in checking out Coldwell Banker, if you’re thinking about getting your real estate license, if you’re in class, get a hold of me and call Kris Hammond, she’s in our office in Orem and check out Coldwell Banker. 
Just encourage you to give it a shot at Coldwell Banker; see what we do for training and you know compare some success rates before you make a decision. So anyway have a good week, see you later.
Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108

Utah County Multi Unit Investment Property

Hey everyone Brian Olsen here.

I’m Vineyard right now and I just love this little town, it’s not that little anymore it’s been growing like crazy, but I had an opportunity this morning to go to a class and just want to stop and take a moment share a couple thoughts.

The class was taught by a Steve Bond. Steve Bond is a great realtor I met him when I first started my real estate career about five years ago now and the thing about Steve is, I was so impressed that he has such an abundance mentality. He is so willing to help people, he is an awesome realtor.

But anyway he was discussing and teaching about multi-unit investment properties up to fourplexes,
so duplex, triplex, and fourplexes and just wanted to share with you a little bit of information about Utah County. Right now, as of this morning there’s 15 properties that are listed with Realtors in Utah County in that category, so not much inventory. There’s 25 that are under contract and 140 have sold in the last 12 months here in Utah County.

So multi-housing I have a number of clients looking to purchase duplex, triplex, and fourplex once you go above that it has a different financing nuances that you need to look at.

But up to that point if you have a property like that now is a great time to consider selling.

Take care!
Wallsburg World Realtor

Utah County Multi Unit Investment Property

Hey everyone Brian Olsen here.

I’m Vineyard right now and I just love this little town, it’s not that little anymore it’s been growing like crazy, but I had an opportunity this morning to go to a class and just want to stop and take a moment share a couple thoughts.

The class was taught by a Steve Bond. Steve Bond is a great realtor I met him when I first started my real estate career about five years ago now and the thing about Steve is, I was so impressed that he has such an abundance mentality. He is so willing to help people, he is an awesome realtor.

But anyway he was discussing and teaching about multi-unit investment properties up to fourplexes,
so duplex, triplex, and fourplexes and just wanted to share with you a little bit of information about Utah County. Right now, as of this morning there’s 15 properties that are listed with Realtors in Utah County in that category, so not much inventory. There’s 25 that are under contract and 140 have sold in the last 12 months here in Utah County.

So multi-housing I have a number of clients looking to purchase duplex, triplex, and fourplex once you go above that it has a different financing nuances that you need to look at.

But up to that point if you have a property like that now is a great time to consider selling.

Take care!
Wallsburg World Realtor

Thanks for 5 years as a Realtor!

Win 2 tickets to the 

Utah Valley Parade of Homes 2017

                                               (The 2 tickets mentioned in this post have already been won!
                              Check back in July to guess Where in the World is Brian Olsen and win a prize!)
Good morning everyone!

Had to do a bit of hiking this morning to get into cell phone range, and this is how I look when my hair is too long and I’ve been in a sleeping bag sleeping overnight.

Anyway, earlier this week I hit my 5 year anniversary as a Realtor. So this morning I’m not going to tell you about Realtor experiences, but I just want to thank everybody that has allowed me to work with them, that has given me referrals, that have asked me questions, let me be a resource for them.

I love being a Realtor, it’s been great.

So what I’m going to do this morning is I’m going to give away a couple parade of homes tickets for this year to the Utah Valley Parade of Homes.

Its fun to go and see some of those homes and dream a little bit, but how you win these two tickets from me is to guess where I am. So I’ll let you take a look around here, beautiful sunrise, that’s maybe a little blinding. But if you know where I’m at, if you want to take a guess, instant message me, reply to this, text me, the first one to guess where I’m at I will get two tickets to the Utah Valley Parade of homes for this year on Monday the 19th.

So thanks! I’ve loved being a Realtor. I’ve had clients from Australia to England and all across the United States. So it’s been great I look forward to the next 5 years and the 5 years after that and the 5 years after that!

I just appreciate the opportunity to work with so many people.

So anyway have a great weekend especially if you get out camping summertime’s a time for camping but enjoy.

Take care!
Wallsburg World Realtor

Thanks for 5 years as a Realtor!

Win 2 tickets to the 

Utah Valley Parade of Homes 2017

                                               (The 2 tickets mentioned in this post have already been won!
                              Check back in July to guess Where in the World is Brian Olsen and win a prize!)
Good morning everyone!

Had to do a bit of hiking this morning to get into cell phone range, and this is how I look when my hair is too long and I’ve been in a sleeping bag sleeping overnight.

Anyway, earlier this week I hit my 5 year anniversary as a Realtor. So this morning I’m not going to tell you about Realtor experiences, but I just want to thank everybody that has allowed me to work with them, that has given me referrals, that have asked me questions, let me be a resource for them.

I love being a Realtor, it’s been great.

So what I’m going to do this morning is I’m going to give away a couple parade of homes tickets for this year to the Utah Valley Parade of Homes.

Its fun to go and see some of those homes and dream a little bit, but how you win these two tickets from me is to guess where I am. So I’ll let you take a look around here, beautiful sunrise, that’s maybe a little blinding. But if you know where I’m at, if you want to take a guess, instant message me, reply to this, text me, the first one to guess where I’m at I will get two tickets to the Utah Valley Parade of homes for this year on Monday the 19th.

So thanks! I’ve loved being a Realtor. I’ve had clients from Australia to England and all across the United States. So it’s been great I look forward to the next 5 years and the 5 years after that and the 5 years after that!

I just appreciate the opportunity to work with so many people.

So anyway have a great weekend especially if you get out camping summertime’s a time for camping but enjoy.

Take care!
Wallsburg World Realtor

Shred it!

Come shred all the old documents that you have been keeping and enjoy a light lunch as well. All at no cost.
Be sure to invite your family, friends and employer.
Shred It 2014

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Brian Olsen, WWR

Shred it!

Come shred all the old documents that you have been keeping and enjoy a light lunch as well. All at no cost.
Be sure to invite your family, friends and employer.
Shred It 2014

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Brian Olsen, WWR

Know the Value of Your Home

I am getting more and more calls and emails from people wanting to know the value of their home.  I’m happy to do the research and provide an evaluation of your area and compare your home against homes that have recently sold, homes that are currently under contract and homes that are currently for sale.  Even if you are not moving it is wise to regularly check on the market conditions and know what your home is valued at. provides 5 Reasons Why You Should Always Know the Value of Your Home.  Whether you live in Utah or not contact me and if I cannot provide a market comparison to determine the market value of your home I will refer you to a realtor who can.

If you have had a recent market evaluation, how has your home faired?  How much have you regained from the losses of the market downturn?

“For Correction in your Direction, Evaluate”
Brian Olsen, WWR

Know the Value of Your Home

I am getting more and more calls and emails from people wanting to know the value of their home.  I’m happy to do the research and provide an evaluation of your area and compare your home against homes that have recently sold, homes that are currently under contract and homes that are currently for sale.  Even if you are not moving it is wise to regularly check on the market conditions and know what your home is valued at. provides 5 Reasons Why You Should Always Know the Value of Your Home.  Whether you live in Utah or not contact me and if I cannot provide a market comparison to determine the market value of your home I will refer you to a realtor who can.

If you have had a recent market evaluation, how has your home faired?  How much have you regained from the losses of the market downturn?

“For Correction in your Direction, Evaluate”
Brian Olsen, WWR

National Flood Insurance Program – Revisited

I haven’t seen the movie Noah, but I did just learn a few new things about the flood insurance program which is important to me as a realtor to keep my clients informed.

This is the update on the National Floor Insurance Program and the law which President Obama signed on Friday.  I previously commented that the law puts on hold any increases for homeowners, however a news story on KSL, Impact of Flood Insurance hikes on Utah Unclear, says, “…homeowners face annual premium increases as high as 18 percent…Businesses and people owning second homes…will see increases of 25 percent…”

Rivers in Wallsburg

This is a tough pill to swallow and NAR estimates that 40,000 home sales were stalled or cancelled from October 2013 – January 2014 because of the confusion of this issue.

As tough as this change is to accept, I believe it is a necessary step and should actually be followed up with terminating the federal program and switch any such insurance programs to the individual states.

The state of Utah is the 34th most populous state, so maybe I should figure that the overall burden of costs of the nation flood insurance program is born by a lot of other people other than me.  However, this should not be a program run by the federal government, which is probably the most inefficient way to run anything outside of the military.

If the federal government can eliminate subsidies for the flood insurance, private insurers may enter the market which is a much more efficient process.  Though it would be tough for the private industry to enter the fray, because it will only participate in such a market if a profit is possible, which is why private industry is much more efficient than government because if they can’t earn a profit they go out of business.  At least the direction things are going the private industry will have a chance at some point versus the way it is now, there is no chance for private industry to compete.

What do you think?
Brian Olsen, WWR