Reading a Realtor Profile

Last week I started the process to obtain my RSPS designation by going to an eight hour class.  I figured this designation would be useful in my new career as a realtor.  Once I got to the class I learned that there are three more online classes I need to take as well as an additional full day course or designation to get my Resort and Second-Home Specialist Certification.
Well I have the first part completed and passed the test, so onward!  I’m actually glad that it is more than what I thought it would be.  When a certification is easy, it carries much less significance.

This is one of the many aspects that I really like about being a realtor, that of the continuing education requirements.  I love learning and being required to obtain so many continuing education credits is a great way to keep learning.

How we love acronyms; even the word sounds really cool!  Here are a few more of the designations I plan to obtain in the Real Estate world:

ABR – Accredited Buyer’s Representative
GREEN – real estate agents with this designation have received advanced training on green building.
CRS – Certified Residential Specialist

ALC- Accredited Land Consultant

CIPS- Certified International Property Specialist

E-PRO- real estate agents with this degree have taken more classes to learn about technologies and digital tools.

CCIM- Certified Commercial Investment Member

ABRM- Accredited Buyer Representative Manager

SRS- Seller Representative Specialist

I think that is a good start, lol 🙂

“Wherever we look there is a striving for deeper understanding of ever more complex problems and a corresponding realization of how much more we must learn.”  Wilmot H. Bradley, Geologist

Brian Olsen, WWR