Deck Use, Value and View

Hey, everybody, I am excited to talk to you for a minute, it’s been a while, about decks. I have lots of people that talk about decks on their homes and decks on homes that they’re looking to purchase, what’s the value of the deck, if they’re gonna build a deck on their home, how should they do the deck. 
Let me just give you a couple of thoughts about decks and happy to answer some questions, if you have any questions get back to me. 
A couple of things with decks that you want to look at is how much it’s going to be used. Is it in a good location on the home, to where it’s going to be used quite a bit. If it’s in an odd place on the home and nobody’s going to be using it or it’s very small, then I would say don’t spend the money and the effort to build the deck. And then if you’re looking at selling or buying, it probably doesn’t have very much value. 
If it’s in a great location, if there’s the ability to use it quite a bit, seasonal, that’s another thing; if you have a short season. I’m in Wallsburg right now I don’t know if you notice because of the view here of the Wallsburg ridge behind me. I love Wallsburg Valley. Anyway, if there’s a short season and you don’t have the means to have a gas propane fireplace type thing, to where you can use it during the winter and not freeze, then that’s not going to be as valuable. 
Also the durability of the deck: I’m on the deck right now and they actually put concrete on the deck and they have a metal railing, they have some posts here, but overall this deck is very durable. They’re not gonna have to do very much with it other than staining the post everything else is going to last for a long time. 
And the view, if you have a deck with a view that may circumvent a lot of the other issues, even if it’s a small deck, but if it has a view then there is some value to it. So you can see this deck right here has an awesome view. I just love this view looking down into the Wallsburg Valley, the mouth of the canyon here. 
So anyway, if you have any questions about decks; the value that is on your home, something that you’re looking to add to your home and the resale value of it, give me a call, shoot me a text, or an email, private message. I would love to talk to you about it and anything else with real estate, I’m open to talk about that as well. Take care and we will see you later, bye.
Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108

Guess Where I’m At – 2 PC Showcase of Homes Tickets

(The tickets mentioned in this post have already been won)
Hey everyone, I am doing a “Guess Where I’m at?” again. Last month I did a Facebook live and I gave away two tickets to the Utah Valley Home Show in celebration of my fifth year, last June of being a real estate agent.

So I’m going to do another one here and I’m going to give away two tickets to the Park City Showcase of Homes and that happens next month so I’m gonna give you a little bit of a hint; you can see, oh the sun’s right there, well I’m at Costco if you can see that, so I’m at Costco but guess which Costco I’m at.

I just want to share a couple things and I wish I found more statistics because it’s interesting, I often have clients, when they’re looking at property one of the things they’ll ask is how far is this home from Costco? You know either into Salt Lake, or the Provo Costco, or the Spanish Fork Costco, or other Costco’s; there’s a number of Costco’s.

So anyway Costco has a lot of impact wherever it is built, some of the research I’ve seen is it helps the commercial value of the property, which in turn, help the residential value of the property.

So Costco is loved, you know a lot of people shop there, I shop there a lot. So anyway again I don’t have any statistics on it, but I just wanted to thank everybody again for letting me help you be your Realtor and help you find property and sell property.

If you can guess which Costco I’m at and you’re the first one to guess then you’ll get two tickets to the Park City Showcase of homes.

So anyway have a great weekend and just either respond to this, private message me, text me, whatever and let me know which Costco you think I’m at. Take care, bye.

Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108