Incredible 1466 Acre Parcel For Sale!

Billy Hawes Canyon and Slipper Hollow

In the Wallsburg Valley, mention the Billy Haws Canyon or Slipper Hollow and probably anyone will look to and point to the southwest hills toward the Wallsburg Ridge. Billy Haws is one of the most lush and largest canyons accessing the WAllsburg Ride and a large portion of the canyon is included in this amazing 1,440 acre retreat. In the aspen, pines, oak and wildlife abound as well as areas with waist high grass. This property provides an incredile huntin opportunity, a horseman’s riding paradise, a ranchers dream, a hikers challenge or a snow shoeing wonderland. For a personal or corporate retreat the beauty of the Uintah National Forest surrounds you here. 

The adventurous will enjoy the views and beauty looking over the Wallsburg Valley, Deer Creek Reservoir and Midway to the north and east or turn to the west and enjoy the view of Bear Canyon. In this P-160 zone with 14 acre feet of water, build your own private estate, corporate retreat or keep the property in its natural state and stay nearby with all the accommodations you could want with beauty of the Uintah National Forest surrounding you. The amenities of golfing, fishing, boating, skiing, snowmobiling, snorkeling, etc. are all nearby as well as 5 star dining & entertainment. 

Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108

RE Video, Video and More Video

I’m in Wallsburg and I have a crew here with me and we have been videoing. Video is so huge in real estate and I know I talk about this quite a bit, but it is amazing what is happening.

Cisco predicts that by 2021 video will make up 82% of all internet traffic. In 2016 video accounted for 73% of internet traffic.

Cord cutters generate twice as much internet traffic as those who still pay for regular TV (according to Cisco).

Most people think of Netflix and Amazon streaming video as well as many other options, however Facebook live, webinars, podcast video and vlogging, as well as video text are all on the increase – I’m sure I left out a lot of additional video options.

An couple of additional interesting stats are first that 85% of Facebook video is watched without sound and an estimated 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store.

Good luck with your own videos!

Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108

Greenhouse in the Wasatch Back

Greenhouses. This one’s pretty beefy, this one has a poly-carbon panel structure with channel iron and steel tubing, so it’s pretty hefty. You can use just a poly-film, make it a lot easier to construct and do it yourself type thing. So there’s a variety and all kind of things in between.

One thing about this Greenhouse at this property is it’s potentially a year-round greenhouse; they have artificial lighting, they have heaters. So you can go even farther, I don’t know how good it goes all the way through the winter, just because we do lose a lot of natural light, the days are a lot shorter. But, you can go a lot longer with the lights and the heat that they have in here.

Anyway, if you’re looking for a home in the Wasatch Back give me a call, like I said this property has so many different options and so many things about it that just make it a great property. I’d be happy to show you this property or a number of other listings that are here in Wallsburg, Park City, Midway, Heber; all along the Wasatch Back. Give me a call, shoot me a text or private message. Talk to you soon, take care!

Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108

Deck Use, Value and View

Hey, everybody, I am excited to talk to you for a minute, it’s been a while, about decks. I have lots of people that talk about decks on their homes and decks on homes that they’re looking to purchase, what’s the value of the deck, if they’re gonna build a deck on their home, how should they do the deck. 
Let me just give you a couple of thoughts about decks and happy to answer some questions, if you have any questions get back to me. 
A couple of things with decks that you want to look at is how much it’s going to be used. Is it in a good location on the home, to where it’s going to be used quite a bit. If it’s in an odd place on the home and nobody’s going to be using it or it’s very small, then I would say don’t spend the money and the effort to build the deck. And then if you’re looking at selling or buying, it probably doesn’t have very much value. 
If it’s in a great location, if there’s the ability to use it quite a bit, seasonal, that’s another thing; if you have a short season. I’m in Wallsburg right now I don’t know if you notice because of the view here of the Wallsburg ridge behind me. I love Wallsburg Valley. Anyway, if there’s a short season and you don’t have the means to have a gas propane fireplace type thing, to where you can use it during the winter and not freeze, then that’s not going to be as valuable. 
Also the durability of the deck: I’m on the deck right now and they actually put concrete on the deck and they have a metal railing, they have some posts here, but overall this deck is very durable. They’re not gonna have to do very much with it other than staining the post everything else is going to last for a long time. 
And the view, if you have a deck with a view that may circumvent a lot of the other issues, even if it’s a small deck, but if it has a view then there is some value to it. So you can see this deck right here has an awesome view. I just love this view looking down into the Wallsburg Valley, the mouth of the canyon here. 
So anyway, if you have any questions about decks; the value that is on your home, something that you’re looking to add to your home and the resale value of it, give me a call, shoot me a text, or an email, private message. I would love to talk to you about it and anything else with real estate, I’m open to talk about that as well. Take care and we will see you later, bye.
Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108

Wallsburg FSBO Home

I am at a home on Main Canyon Road (In Wallsburg) and it is for sale by owner, but you’ve got to check out this home if you’re looking to move into Wallsburg. This is a great home.

The home is just around 2,000 square feet above grade, 800 square feet basement. In the basement  it’s higher so the the window wells are higher, it’s very well lit, just natural light in the basement; it’s unfinished, you could probably get another bedroom, a bathroom, big living area in the basement.

But this home is a log home, just well done. The owners built the home back in 92, did a great job. It’s on a well and they have refinished the logs here just in the last year or so. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, big open vaulted area.

It is on, I don’t know if you can see down, I’ve come up the lane, it’s a pretty good lane coming up to the home, so you’re not right on Main Canyon Road. It’s 4.9 acres, you’ve got three shares of north ditch water; a good chunk of the property, it’s in front of the house, you can water; have alfalfa, you know animals.

So it is a great home. Give me a call! This home, you really need to come and check it out. The owner is just a super nice lady; nicest lady you’ll ever meet. But give me a call 801-318-3108. I can take you through the home talk about making an offer.

If you want to get to Wallsburg this is one, there’s three other homes listed right now in Wallsburg. There’s 16 parcels listed in Wallsburg, so for this little valley there’s quite a bit of real estate. If you’re wanting to get out of the upcoming inversion that you will have in the Salt Lake Valley or a little bit in the Utah County Valley, give me a call and come and check out this home. So have a great weekend.

Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108

Wallsburg Equestrian Ranch Estate

Hey, just wanted to introduce you to the latest property to list for sale in the Wallsburg Valley. Wallsburg, Utah in the Wasatch Back; a beautiful valley not far from Park City.
Anyway, a property just under 30 acres with a 10,000 sq. ft. home, you can see right back here in the background. A 20,000 sq. ft. barn. It is an equestrian ranch estate. It is a gorgeous property. You can see right here, you’ve got a pivot that waters a huge area of pasture. The owner also leases another section of property so they get plenty of alfalfa, of hay harvested each year.
It is set up so nice for horses, they have got inside that 20,000 sq. ft. barn, they’ve got 16 horse stalls, they have an outside arena as well as that indoor arena. 
As I said a 10,000 sq. ft. home, a beautiful deck; it is just a gorgeous home. If you know anybody that’s looking for a corporate retreat, a second home; just a beautiful home, a beautiful setup, give me a call! This is an ideal property. 
Also, the owner has another 1400+ Acre property just on the side of the valley here, which is gorgeous also. It really provides somebody if they want to have a hunting area, hunting grounds; a beautiful area of hunting that attaches to thousands of acres of forest property and then to have a home, a retreat to go to after hunting or hiking, this is really a great setup. 
Anyway, give me a call 801-318-3108 I can give you some more information. For qualified buyers, we can take you through the home and love to talk to you. Take Care.
Best Regards,
Brian Olsen
Wallsburg World Realtor
C: 801-318-3108

Wallsburg Equestrian Ranch Estate

Hey, just wanted to introduce you to the latest property to list for sale in the Wallsburg Valley. Wallsburg, Utah in the Wasatch Back; a beautiful valley not far from Park City.
Anyway, a property just under 30 acres with a 10,000 sq. ft. home, you can see right back here in the background. A 20,000 sq. ft. barn. It is an equestrian ranch estate. It is a gorgeous property. You can see right here, you’ve got a pivot that waters a huge area of pasture. The owner also leases another section of property so they get plenty of alfalfa, of hay harvested each year.
It is set up so nice for horses, they have got inside that 20,000 sq. ft. barn, they’ve got 16 horse stalls, they have an outside arena as well as that indoor arena. 
As I said a 10,000 sq. ft. home, a beautiful deck; it is just a gorgeous home. If you know anybody that’s looking for a corporate retreat, a second home; just a beautiful home, a beautiful setup, give me a call! This is an ideal property. 
Also, the owner has another 1400+ Acre property just on the side of the valley here, which is gorgeous also. It really provides somebody if they want to have a hunting area, hunting grounds; a beautiful area of hunting that attaches to thousands of acres of forest property and then to have a home, a retreat to go to after hunting or hiking, this is really a great setup. 
Anyway, give me a call 801-318-3108 I can give you some more information. For qualified buyers, we can take you through the home and love to talk to you. Take Care.
Best Regards,
Brian Olsen
Wallsburg World Realtor
C: 801-318-3108