Freddie Mac’s housing market outlook

Last week was great for the Utah ski industry.  Major snow storms hit the entire state.  To see the ski resort totals go to Snow Report  

We received a good amount in Wallsburg and enjoy how beautiful everything looks with fresh snow.  Between playing in the snow and having cups of coconut or peppermint hot chocolate, we are definitely in the Christmas spirit at our home. 

Snow Report and Housing Outlook December 2013

As you shop for that perfect gift for loved ones and friends, you will surely be asking yourself, “How is the current housing market and I wonder where it is heading going into 2014?”

Ok, so maybe I think too much about real estate, however just in case you were wondering….

According to Freddie Mac’s U.S. Economic and Housing Market Outlook it is estimated that 30-year-fixed loans will stay around 4.3 percent until the beginning of 2014, “gradually moving up throughout the year and ending at close to 5 percent.”

Existing home inventories are still historically low. This leaves home buyers with fewer homes to choose from.  They also predict that housing in most of the country will remain affordable.

So what does this mean for you? Since most inventories remain low now is a great time to sell your property. Because of continued low interest rates, it is a great time to purchase a home or investment property.

If you have a question about the real estate market or if you are looking to make a move ether buying or selling property I’d love to help you have a successful transaction.

Brian Olsen, WWR