Homes with a View

One of the top criteria I consistently hear from buyers of real estate is that they want property that has a great view of the mountains or of the river or of the valley, etc.  Views can make a huge difference in the value of a property.  Take the same home in one area and put it on a mountain with a view or on the beach with a view and you will be able to increase the price possible by some 30-60%.
I love spring not just because of the new growth that is beginning and how green everything becomes, but also because of the cool view right next to my home of the deer that come into the field to graze.

Deer in Field - Wallsburg, UT
There is also not many views better than a beautiful sunset such as this one from my front porch.
Sunset - Wallsburg


With both of those, I think the greatest view is watching my children, nephews and nieces playing and enjoying the great outdoors and beautiful surroundings that add to their view.
Water Games
What do you see out your window?
Enjoy the view!!!
Brian Olsen, WWR