Incandescent vs Flourescent vs LED

Good morning everyone, I’m at a good friend’s home and they have over 150 LED lights so I wanted to share a little information about lighting.

As you can see these are LED lights and one of the things that people used to worry about is that they are so directional that they wouldn’t provide the flood of light like fluorescents do.

Incandescent lights last about a thousand hours per lightbulb. Fluorescent lighting, which has a little mercury in it, increases about ten times and last about 10,000 hours per light bulb and use 70% less energy.

LED lights, which have been very expensive until the last couple years, range from 20-50,000 hours per bulb and reduce energy consumption another 30-50% from fluorescents.

So think of this when you are looking to build a home, buy a home, or even just change out your lights!

This is a beautiful home here and you can see how good these LED lights look!

Take care!

Take care,              

Wallsburg World Realtor