Park City Rental Investment

Hey you guys hope you’re having a great Saturday morning. I am in Park City. and just wanted to share a couple thoughts with you.

I’m at a client’s home and I love Park City. it’s such a great place and I have a number of clients that are looking for investment properties and so I want to share a couple things to think about as you’re looking for investment properties.

My clients home is a fairly large home and one of the things to think about is that various HOAs and places here in Park City.won’t allow overnight rentals, and so what are you looking for you’re looking to rent the property nightly or do you just want a long-term renter a couple things to think about that way.

The second thing is everybody knows that the ski season, Sundance Film Festival times, those you can rent about any type of property you have; condo, large home, anything.

What we’re finding is during the summer the larger homes are renting a little bit better just because there’s a lot of family reunions and so anyway a couple things to think about.

I’d love to help you whether you’re looking to buy or sell in Park City. Park City is just a great place I love Park city and its really a good time to be looking at buying or selling property.

Anyway give me a call and I’d love to help you out.

Have a great weekend!
Wallsburg World Realtor