Round Valley & Wallsburg

May I tell you again how much I love living in Wallsburg, Utah.  I took my 12 year old son to the town meeting on the first Thursday of this month as part of a requirement for the Boy Scouts Citizenship in the Community merit badge.  It was a great meeting and was good for him to see five people that were able to discuss town issues and come to agreement on the path to follow.

Last Thursday I attended our precinct caucus meeting, which in my opinion is the grass roots way of electing representatives that our forefathers who founded this nation envisioned.  It is where those that want to be involved in the community can represent other like minded people.  Unfortunately many in our state want to switch the power of elections to those with money and the finances to advertise and campaign via the media, without the necessity of actually getting out and pounding the pavement to meet people and discuss ideas.  This change is promoted as necessary to increase people’s involvement, which it will not do and you need only look at states that switched from the caucus system to direct primaries and see how involved the populous is.  A better question would be how many more people really do any due diligence and research the people that are running for election versus look at an add or see a flyer and it persuades them to vote for a certain person without any vetting of that candidate.

I’m grateful my son is learning somewhat about politics at an early age and I realize it is dependent upon my wife and I to teach him so that he is able to educate himself and not be swayed with every wind that blows.  No better place to start learning than here in the easy going town of Wallsburg.

Make your vote really count!
Brian Olsen, WWR