25 Books for 2015

When I am showing homes to people I love to see the book shelves and the libraries.  I love to read and carry a book with me almost all the time for those few minutes that I can squeeze in some extra reading.
Along with my list of 25 suggestions check out  Library Home Designs for a few ideas to create your next library.

This list includes a few books that I have read and recommend, a few I am currently reading and a few that I want to read this year, 2015.
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25 Books for 2015

This book written by Napoleon Hill teaches invaluable lessons about the power of our thoughts on our journey to riches.  “…more gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has ever been taken from the earth.”

2. Rush Revere
This trilogy is one we started reading aloud last year and will continue in 2015. Its a great way to make History come alive for adults and children alike.

3.Rich Dad Poor Dad
This is a book I read years ago and now my son-in-law and daughter have also read it. Its interesting to learn what Robert Kiyosaki was taught that helped him become who he is today. The difference in what the rich teach there children vs. what the poor and middle class teach teach their children, either verbally or by example.  Kiyosaki has a new book recently released that also looks good called, Second Chance: For Your Money and Your Life.

4. The Challenger Sale
This book by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson will change the way you think about sales and how you provide value for your clients.  “They (clients) expect salespeople to teach them things they don’t know.”  No longer can salespeople ask, “What is keeping you up at night?” and then seek for a solution for their client.  The sale comes in providing value, helping your client discover new ideas and innovations that will get them so excited that they can’t sleep at night.

5.  The Book of Mormon
I read this book every day to better understand and come closer to my Creator and Savior Jesus Christ.  It also helps me understand the Bible.  The scriptures together with a living prophet to guide and teach us in our day comforts me in a world that is becoming more and more cold hearted.  I highly recommend everyone read The Book of Mormon this year and every year.

6.  Act in Doctrine and Increase in Learning both by David A. Bednar I am currently reading and they are excellent books.  Elder Bednar I feel is picking up where Neal A. Maxwell left off.

7.  Ronald Reagan by Dinesh D’Souza
I picked up last Summer and it is on my list to read this year.  President Reagan was the best leader of our nation since Abraham Lincoln in my opinion and Mr. D’Souza has done great work with his documentary about Obama and his most recent work America, I was excited to see that he had written about President Reagan.

8.  Benjamin Franklin’s The Art of Virtue by Benjamin Franklin.
Benjamin Franklin has always impressed me for his continual effort to improve.  I’m excited to read this book this year.


 9.  The Cleansing of America by W. Cleon Skousen
This is a great book about the United States of America and her prophesied destiny in the last days.  I highly recommend it.

10.  Harry Potter Series .
I know I should have read these already like the rest of mankind that is 10 years or older.  I read aloud the first book last year with my children and last week we started the 2nd book.  We’ll see how many I get read with my children this year.

11.  Michael Vey Series
In 2011 Richard Paul Evans published a fiction book called Michael Vey The Prisoner of Cell 25.  I’ve liked Evans books so I got this book right after it came out and read it and really enjoyed it.  Since then Evans has come out with a 2nd, 3rd and 4th books in the series and I haven’t ready any of the three.  Four of my children have read them all and really enjoyed them.  I’ve got them on my list to read this year!

12.   The Quotable Lewis
This book I am plan to buy this year, The Quotable Lewis by Wayne Martindale & Jerry Root.  C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors and this book looks awesome.  One of those books that you can grab off the shelf and just read a few quotes to start your day.  Like the Neal A. Maxwell Quote Book by Cory H. Maxwell, which is on my list to buy this year as well.

13.  Walking on Water
I’ve heard this is a great book and one that I want for my library and I plan on purchasing and reading it this year.  S. Michael Wilcox is a great author and I have enjoyed many of his books.

14.  Do Fathers Matter?
If you are wondering if I buy every book that I read the answer is almost.  I heard Paul Raeburn, the author of Do Fathers Matter? on a talk show last summer and I was very impressed.  Our family does have a library card and I plan to check this one out from the library to read soon.

15.  Unbroken
I also plan to read, from the library, Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand which I have heard is a really good book.

16.  Man’s Search for Meaning
An excellent book by Viktor Frankl, which is a must read.  I’ve read it a couple of times.  Frankl is a survivor of the Holocaust and his re-counting of experiences and his counsel on the meaning of life are powerful.  Today so many people tell you that you need to be true to yourself and you need to find out who you are.  To find yourself follow Frankl’s counsel, “The more [someone] forgets himself, giving himself to a cause or another person – the more human he is…the more he really becomes himself.”

17.  Charles Murray
I recently have heard some quotes of Charles Murray that impressed me and have seen a few books of his that look good:  The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Getting AheadComing Apart: The State of White America; American Exceptionalism: An Experiment in History


 18.  The Millionaire Real Estate Agent
I was given this book written by Gary Keller and I’ve heard a number of people comment that it is a really good book.

19.  The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy
Our family has recently become distributors of Ameo Essential Oils which are proven to pass human cell membranes (it is really cool to see the microscopic proof).  I am learning a ton about essential oils and health and this book has some pretty deep stuff.  I don’t know if I will get all 500+ pages (super small print) read, but I’m going to be studying it this year.

20.  The Autoimmune Solution
This book by Amy Myers, M.D. just released looks intriguing.  My wife is constantly talks about the inflammation in the body and I’d like to see what Myers take is on it.

21.  The Looking Glass Wars
Frank Beddor’s first book in this series was written in 2007 and my son suggested I read it a couple of years ago.  It is a very well written book that plays on the Alice in Wonderland tale.  There are two more books in the series which my son said are great.  Beddor also has a four volume series of Hatter M which looks good.

22.  The Great and Terrible
This series by Chris Stewart were some of my favorite books to read.  Stewart gives a great view of the pre-mortal life, family relations and the effect of an EMP on our country.  A series of six (6) books that are really fun to read.

23.  The Extraordinary Leader
I’ve heard a lot of good things about this 2009 book written by John H. Zenger and Joseph R. Folkman and I look forward to reading it this year.

24.  The Millionaire Mind
Thomas J. Stanley also wrote The Millionaire Next Door which was a very successful book.  I’ve not read either, though I have heard many excellent excerpts and quotes from The Millionaire Next Door.

25.  Killing Jesus
Bill O’Reilly also has recently published, Killing Patton, Killing Kennedy and Killing Lincoln that are very popular and I’ve heard they are really good. 

One last suggestion is to set your kindle, ipad, laptop etc. aside and sink your teeth into a good hard copy.  Along with the love of a good book it may help you sleep better.

What books would you recommend?  What books are you reading now?  What books are you planning to read this year?

 “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body and prayer is to the soul. We become the books we read.”  Matthew Kelly

Brian Olsen, WWR

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