Coldwell Banker Real Estate Education

Hey everyone Brian and Kris here and we just finished some training at Coldwell Banker and I just wanted to share with you, and I want to get Kris’ opinion and thoughts about becoming a Realtor. 
I often have promoted Coldwell Banker. And one of the things that they just discussed in here was how 13 out of 14 Realtors, people who get their license, don’t renew their second year. So the success rate of Realtors is way low. 
Coldwell Banker has some training that is really phenomenal, they really do a good job. And in recent years they’ve done studies and they’ve tracked people that go through their training and they’ve found that about 90% of Realtors that go through the Coldwell Banker training are still practicing real estate in their third year, versus about, what would that be, about 6%, you know average. 
So anyway this training that Coldwell Banker, what did you think of the the training that we just had in there Kris? Has great promise for being successful. Yeah, it really does. You know Coldwell Banker now has been around a long time, they’re in 50 some countries I believe, they have over 80,000 Realtors. 
If you’re interested in checking out Coldwell Banker, if you’re thinking about getting your real estate license, if you’re in class, get a hold of me and call Kris Hammond, she’s in our office in Orem and check out Coldwell Banker. 
Just encourage you to give it a shot at Coldwell Banker; see what we do for training and you know compare some success rates before you make a decision. So anyway have a good week, see you later.
Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108