NeighborWorks Provo Project

Hey you guys just want to take a minute, I’m in Provo with a couple other great Realtors that we had opportunity to come down and work on a home through NeighborWorks and some people to to keep their home looking good. 
Anyway I have Miley here and Kristie and they are just awesome. They got here early, anyway you know Neighbor Works is a great program and Coldwell Banker has some just some super good philanthropic things that they do; they actually donated $5,000 to NeighborWorks for helping on this home to do some finishes. They also have the Bankers Association that works with the NeighborWorks. 
Anyway if you have opportunities to associate with NeighborWorks, you know somebody once famous said the poor will always be with us, and we always will have opportunities; often many of us have been in that position. 
So any comments about what we’re doing? What do you think of the red? So we got the primer on. 
Anyways, great program and if you ever need any help, NeighborWorks is good to help you keep your home and keep it up to date. 
Real Estate; Coldwell Banker is the best so give one of us a call. If you want to go with the female persuasion you’ve got Kristie or Miley here, or myself. Anyway hey have a good weekend guys.
Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108