Perc Test Validity

Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a great day, hope you’re able to get outside! It is such a beautiful day!

I am up in the Timber Lakes development above Heber City in fact let me turn, I’ll be in the
shadow a little bit, but look at this view. I love Timber Lakes, it is such a gorgeous location.

What I want to talk to you about for a minute this afternoon is a percolation test or a perc test many people call it. A percolation test is essentially to determine the absorption rate or the permeability of the soil on your parcel, it’s for where you’re going to need a wastewater system.

So a contractor will get onto your soil, onto your property they’ll dig two or three test holes and then they put a certain quantity of water into those test holes. They watch and see how fast that’s absorbed and they get a percolation rate or a perc rate.

That information then is given to an engineer who designs your septic system, whether it’s just the the septic tank drain field or a specialized system and then you can take that information to the Health Department, at least here in Wasatch County goes to the health department you get approval there for your system and then take it for your building permit.

Now one thing that I learned, I thought that that perc test would expire after a certain amount of time it does not, it’s valid as long as you build your system based on those perc points, those percolation points.

So you take it to the engineer, he looks at the size of home you’re going to build; how many bedrooms, how many bathrooms, and the points of those tests and he determines the system. Now if you sell your property, if you change the size of your home or the location of your home on the property then it would not be valid any longer and you’d have to get a new test done.

So otherwise whether you use that perc test a week after you get it or ten years twenty years down the road or even if you sell your property a buyer can take that perc test and based on those points again as long as he’s putting his home in the location based on those points for the septic system the wastewater system they can use that.

So anyway if you have any questions let me know have some great contractors that can do the perc test for you that I’d love to refer you to.

Again if you like Timber Lakes if you want to get away from the valley and get up into the mountains give me a call!

This parcel I’m at right here is a client of mine, it’s a one-acre parcel listed for $30,000 and it’s just it’s gorgeous here.

So anyway take care have a great weekend!

Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108