St. Louis Real Estate

In 2001 while still doing construction I had opportunity to move my family back to Nauvoo, Illinois for about one year. While there my employees that came out to work on the specific project, as well as family, would fly in to St. Louis. My wife and I would also often take our children to St. Louis to some of the awesome museums. I really gained a love for that beautiful city.

Anyway, I have a good friend that is a great realtor who lives near St. Louis. She has a gorgeous home for sale in Chesterfield, MO which is on a small lake not far from the Spirit of St. Louis Airport. Click on the image below to view this property in greater detail and if you are looking for property in Missouri or any other part of the world, let me know.  I’d love to refer you a competent agent that will take care of your needs to either buy or sell real estate.

Chesterfield, MO 
Best Regards,
Brian Olsen, Wallsburg World Realtor