Start With Your Designer

Hey everyone, I’m in Red Ledges today and I have Sean Dixon with Ascend Design and Development. Anyway, I just wanted to take a second to introduce you to him because I often talk to clients about getting in the design phase with their architect and just from the beginning, do your design and get your all your finishes.

Anyway just a couple comments if you would, I mean we can’t go through everything you’ve been showing me for about the last twenty minutes. If anybody’s gonna be OCD this is the guy you want to be OCD. Just sell yourself for a minute if you would, so that my clients and people I contact can have an idea of what you can do for them. You’re located down in the valley, but you’re working a lot up here? Correct. And you said also in California?

Yeah, well clients in California, but the main thing that I kind of offer to a lot of people is a high attention to detail with the knowledge of construction. So that I can dictate to the subcontractors how to bring things together in a very precise manner. And then by being involved throughout the process, I can ensure that the house has a very congruent and consistent kind of theme and feel. Precision is my big thing, I mean a lot of people talk about details, but I do details with absolute precision. So I obsess over all kinds of things, not just what light fixture, but the direction the light fixture is installed or you know the little bolts up on the ceiling, are they lining up correctly, and all kinds of little details for example.

Well, the triple membrane on the deck and the elevation of the spigots. Let me just show for example, okay, we’ve got these light fixtures on the floor right here. Those were the light fixtures that were above this bar right here. And Shawn was looking at how the light was reflecting up and he didn’t like how that light was reflecting up and so he got new light fixtures.

So not everybody’s going to be into detail this much, but whether you want your home to be detailed, I mean from beginning to end, from top to bottom, somebody like Shawn is who you need to get a hold of. Even if it’s just to design a part of the home and say, “Hey we want our kitchen and dining area to be at this level.” I mean really, they need to get with you from the beginning and say okay this is what we want, and then get with the architect and go from there.

Right, yeah and if you have an architect great and if not I’ve got some really good ones that I work really well with, so we can work together. And a lot of Architects will charge additional fees to do on-site visits to make sure things are going together, but some of them I partner with don’t do that because they trust that I’ll be there making sure things go together the way that they should go together.

Excellent. Okay you guys, any questions get with me. I’m gonna definitely have his contact information for you if you need it. Take care, thank you.

Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108