Wallsburg Real Estate Update & Market Research

Hey everyone I am in Wallsburg this evening where I try to get before it’s too late, though this evening I got here just after the Sun went down. So anyway but I wanted to share some market information about Wallsburg and if you’re interested in property in Wallsburg give me a call, shoot me a text, or email, I’d love to help you out. 
Anyway Wallsburg, right now there are 15 parcels available in Wallsburg. They range from $90,000 for a 3 acre parcel, 3.9 acre parcel in town, doesn’t have any water, up to 7.9 million for 40 plus acres with a ton of water like around 46 acre feet of water, anyway it’s a ton of water with that one, and a lot in between. There are four homes for sale right now in Wallsburg. So Wallsburg, there’s quite a bit of property for sale here. 
Wanted to share with you also a little bit about the market, because it’s kind of interesting it always amazes me what happens in the market. I have a listing down in Utah County, it’s over $600,000 and we’ve had almost two months and in the last three days we’ve got three offers and it’s just crazy. I have some other properties under $300,000 that are hardly getting shown, so it just goes up and down. 
But anyway the inventory is still very low, we’re year-over-year our inventory is low and so our closed units is down year over year as well. And a lot of people just think the real estate is just booming and there’s a lot of people talking about selling, a lot of buyers out there wanting to purchase property, but the inventory is just not there. So, I mean it’s still an amazing time to buy or sell a lot of areas the prices have come back. But some areas are still struggling a little bit and and they’re still going up and down. 
Anyway if you have a Realtor, if you do some research and work with your Realtor you can find it. You can find property that’s a good buy if you work with your Realtor, and get your property marketed you can sell your property for a good sell. 
So I know I’m tooting my own horn here, but get with a Realtor and next week we have, Coldwell Banker will have some statistics coming out for the month of July and I’ll put those on my blog. But it’s interesting to see what’s happening in the market and so you can get on my blog and you can get on my website, bolsenre.com and get more information there. 
If you have any questions always feel free to get a hold of me, I’d love to help you and I got a couple new people on my team that are really doing well and helping me out; my son Perry Olsen and also Jayden Roni and they’re just great young men and willing to work with you as well. So we’ll fit it in and we’ll help you get your property sold or find you a place to buy. Have a great weekend.
Best Regards,
Brian Olsen – Utah Realtor
C: 801-318-3108